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PAS women researchers awarded with R&D grants

Seven female scientists from six institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences have received grants in the Small Grant Scheme competition of the National Center for Research and Development funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Their research will focus, among others, on new materials for orthopedic implants, the composition of bacteriophage to treat multi-drug resistant infections and the climate change impacts on arctic rivers.

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Space debris collector

Scientists from the Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences are involved in building a space claw that will help to remove orbiting space debris, such as defunct satellites and parts of the launch vehicles. The device is designed by the Swiss start-up ClearSpace on behalf of the European Space Agency.

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PAS input to the 2021 IATT Report

The 13th position statement of the COVID-19 Advisory Team to the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences was included in the IATT Report for the 2021 Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development. The Academy was the only Polish institution to contribute to the UN report.

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