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Celebration of the Nencki Institute 100th Anniversary

On the 15th and 16th of November, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Nencki Institute. On this occasion, the ceremonial Jubilee of the Centennial of the Nencki Institute was held. The 100th anniversary celebrations began with the presentation of Crosses of Merit, Medals for Long-Time Service, and Medals of the National Education Commission, to employees of the Nencki Institute, by Minister Sebastian Skuza, undersecretary of state of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, prof. Jerzy Duszyński.

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How to detect signs of neurodegeneration earlier and more accurately

Signs of neurodegenerative diseases, visible years before the emergence of clinical manifestations, can be detected during the examination of medical samples by means of fluorescence microscopy. This is, however, on condition that suitably sensitive and selective dyes are used that bind to specific amyloid structures. The new dye, proposed by the Polish-American group of scientists, is a step towards the personalized neuromedical prophylaxis of the future.

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