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USA Patent for the Nencki Institute

The U.S. Patent Office has granted the USA patent, numbered US 15/553,575, for the invention entitled ‘A METHOD FOR THE EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF A PRE-DIABETIC STATE AND TYPE 2 DIABETES’. The patent is owned by researchers from the Nencki Institute, which holds full exclusivity to this invention: Prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyn and Dr. Kamil Kozinski from the Laboratory of Cell Signaling and Metabolic Disorders, and Prof. Pawel Dobrzyn and Dr. Tomasz Bednarski from the Laboratory of Molecular Medical Biochemistry.

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Position statement by the Polish Academy of Sciences regarding the large-scale culling of wild boars

“From the perspective of African swine fever, however, reducing the wild boar population should be merely one of the measures aimed at preventing the disease from spreading. Only around 5% of culled wild boards have had contact with the ASF virus. The infection rate is much higher among fallen wild boars (80%)…” – write representatives of the Polish Academy of Sciences in their position statement regarding the large-scale culling of wild boars.

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New invasive species threatening the EU’s environment have been identified

Certain species of fish, crayfish or squirrels, non-native in Europe, are among the most dangerous invasive alien species that can be detrimental to the EU’s environment. Most of them come from the tropical zone and have little chance of survival in Poland – says Dr. Wojciech Solarz from the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków.

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