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How to prepare Europe for health crises?

Urgent investments in research and innovation, long-term strategy and better cooperation between countries are needed – assesses the EU-LIFE consortium, which includes the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology associated with the Polish Academy of Sciences. Scholars call for allocating more funds for science under the new EU budget.


The consortium brings together 14 leading European institutes in the field of life sciences. In June 2020, the EU-LIFE consortium presented its vision for ensuring health safety in Europe.

Lessons learned from the pandemic

According to researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of Europe's health systems to health crises, which include among others lack of enough critical medical devices and strong dependence on external supply chains. What is more, the individual authorities in EU countries have not developed strategies for coordinated actions.

Scientists remind that civilization diseases (including cancer, obesity, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases as well as mental disorders) still remain an immense challenge for the European health system. Threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic only make things worse.

What is worth changing?

"Only discovery-driven research, embedded in a strong health industry ecosystem, will bring Europe lasting – and faster – solutions to the health challenges of our society. One without the other will not suffice and both are essential to maintain high quality care at an affordable level for all European citizens" says EU-LIFE.

The consortium emphasizes that urgent investments in high-risk discovery-driven research and innovation are needed to increase health safety. EU-LIFE advocates greater financial outlays for science under the new EU budget. It also calls for more intensive collaboration of researchers.


EU-LIFE is an alliance of independent European research institutes in the life sciences. It brings together best research institutes whose mission is to promote scientific excellence in Europe. The International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology associated with the Polish Academy of Sciences is one of the EU-LIFE partners and the only one from Poland.

Source of information: EU-LIFE statement, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw