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Information on the authentication of PhD and habilitation diplomas and their duplicates for legal purposes abroad

The Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 26 September 2016 on detailed procedure and terms of administering the registration and conferment procedure for a doctoral and habilitation degrees and conferment of the title of professor has been in force since 1 October 2016.

In compliance with § 28-31 of the above-mentioned Ordinance, the authentication of PhD and habilitation diplomas and their duplicates for legal purposes abroad takes place at a request of their holders.

The authentication consists in putting down on the PhD or habilitation diploma or on its duplicate:

  • a) a clause in the wording: "It is hereby certified that the document is authentic”;
    b) the signature of a person authorised to authenticate a document;
    c) official seal of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
    d) name of place and date;

For the authentication of a PhD or habilitation diploma or of its duplicate for legal purposes abroad a charge of 19,00 PLN is required.

The payment is to be made by a diploma holder to the bank account of the Chancellery of the Polish Academy of Sciences No. 97 1130 1017 0020 1462 9420 0011.

To the request concerning the authentication of a diploma the disbursement voucher should be attached.

The matters relating to authentication procedures are dealt with by the Organisation and Legal Division of the Legal Affairs and Property Department at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Dział Organizacyjno-Prawny w Biurze Organizacyjno-Majątkowym PAN), tel. +48- 22 182-62-11; e-mail: or